It will be reinstated in an update release in the near future. Descargar sony vegas pro 13 mediafire update# The Beat Reactor audio graph becomes less accurate as the Freqeuncy Resolution is increased to high values. The Beat Reactor audio graph shifts by a noticable amount when resoltuion is less than full.As a temporary workaround use low values near the default setting of 32. Set the preview resolution to full when setting up Beat Reactor clips to avoid any discrepancies between preview and final renders. Descargar sony vegas pro 13 mediafire full# Some BCC transitions do not work as when applied as one sided transitions to the front of a clip or when applied to clips with alpha channels. If a project is saved after loading a preset in the BCC effect controls and this preset is removed from the system (or the project is copied to another system that doesn't contain this preset), then when the project is reopened the UI for the effect does not appear correctly.This can generally be worked around by applying the effect as a VideoFx transiton with media separated on different tracks if necessary rather than applying as a true transition. In filters with more than one Motion Tracker point (e.g.This can be worked around by reinstating the missing preset and relaunching vegas or by saving the settings as a Vegas preset, deleting the filter, and loading that vegas preset in a new instance of the filter. BCC Posterize Time can show interlacing artifacts when applied in interlaced projects.The Mix with Original control in several filters produces results in float bitdepth projects that don't match the results in 8 bit projects.Filters which access frames at alternate times such as the Time category filters can produce unexpected jitter when applied to clips that have more horizontal frame aspect than the project's frame aspect.BCC Witness Protection), saving/loading the motion tracker data only works for the first tracker point. Descargar sony vegas pro 13 mediafire full#īCC Stars will occasionally exhibit horizontal bands of artifacts in the star field and galaxy controls.As a workaround you can prerender Posterize Time clips in progressive projects which will produce correctly posterized frames when reimported into interlaced projects.Descargar sony vegas pro 13 mediafire update#.Descargar sony vegas pro 13 mediafire 64 Bit#.