Click Download under "Zoom Desktop Client".If you have issues accessing the Zoom Download Center, open an incognito browser window (ctrl+shirt+n or cmd+shift+n) and in that window go to If it's not installed then download the client from the Zoom Download Center: First, search for the Zoom app on your computer (see step 2).In this article you will learn where to download, install and sign into the Zoom Desktop Client. Regardless of how you access Zoom (webportal, mobile, plugin or desktop client) you will need to ensure that you a logged in properly with your NetID credentials. *Be sure the Zoom App is installed, updated frequently, signed in and minimized or running in the background to mitigate any security or user issues during meetings. It also generally keeps you signed in, however, when the application or your computer is updated you'll need to sign in again. Using the Zoom Desktop Client is highly recommended because allows you to quickly initiate on-demand meetings without having to go to your calendar or Blackboard to schedule a meeting. Then there is the Zoom Desktop Client which is installed on your computer.Plugins for Google Calendar and Outlook that help you create Zoom meetings while creating a calendar invitation.The Mobile app that allows you to participate in meetings from a phone or tablet.The Zoom Web Portal at which allows you to start meetings, access settings, share cloud recordings through any internet browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari).There are many ways to access your Stony Brook Zoom account.