Want to catalog a few items or build your database while you browse the web? Readerware drag and drop support will do just that.įind a new CD by a favorite artist? Drag from your browser and drop on Readerware. Readerware can merge information from multiple web sites to build the most complete database possible, with cover art. Readerware then does the rest, automatically searching the web and cataloging your books, music and videos. Have a large collection? The unique auto-catalog feature lets you feed in a list of ISBNs, LCCNs, UPCs or barcode scans.

The easiest, fastest way to catalog your books, music and videos. The Readerware website is now a secure site. Serials in the database: 125127 Added today: 0 Added within the last week: 21 Top uploaders are: Recent serials rating is: 36.16%.